Motion Picture

     Hey Guys! Since the last post, I've been looking into suspenseful horror movies where I ran into "The Conjuring" (2013), directed by James Wan, on a website (you can find the website on this link). 
Noted as a Horror, Mystery, Thriller, I was inclined to look at the films trailer where I was able to see all of the genre characteristics of a suspenseful horror film. That is why, I'm using it as an example of inspiration to set my film to be like in the sense of the emotions it evokes on its audience. You can see a trailer of it below: 

     In this trailer it is clearly noticeable that the shots are set to be somber, making a gloomy senario and environment. This dark colors aided the film in creating a mysterious and scary setting as it gives off the feeling of "whats in the dark" scene it cannot be seen. I plan on using this strategy on the first scene of my film and perhaps will continue it throughout the entirety of the film, but we'll see about that in the editing process. 
     I also noticed that they used a lot of context to set a suspenseful mood that would eventually make a scene scarrier. I will try to add context into my film, although it wont have much like this one since it is the opening of the film and it is also not a trailer. Although,perhaps I could set the date of my film to occur on Friday, April 13th, which can enhance the scary sentiment around the film since that date is considered scary. 
     I will continue to think of an idea for my film so that I can later think of small details to convict my intended vision. 
Until then, Mafe. 


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