Genre Process

     Hey guys! Today embarks the first day of research. To decide on the genre that I would want to pursue for my opening film, I looked on this website where the "Main" film genres were displayed along with a brief description of them. After reading the genres, the one that grabbed my attention was a horror thriller. The thought of invoking someone's fears while still captivating and entertaining the viewers at the same time in a cathartic experience was just very interesting to me. I would like to create a thrilling film through suspense. Through this link, I saw some ways in which I could make my film suspenseful and got me thinking.
     Due to the nature of the Film being an opening and thus 2 minutes long, I will have to place scenes within the film in such a way where I could be successful in evoking fear and suspense. That could be a very hard task to do. I thought, that perhaps I could accomplish that by placing a part of  the scene of what the climax of a whole film could be at the very beginning of the film, and then follow it with the start of it all. That way, fear could be established with the fist scene displayed in the film and the suspence can follow with the next film since the audience knows that something will go wrong, keeping them at the edge of their seat.
     Now that I have my genre, I will be analyzing films that follow into that genre to perhaps get some inspiration to how I would like to produce my film, or to what my film could be about.
Until then, Mafe. 


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